London Design Gold


Questing camp

Entrant Company

Hainan Shengxun Culture Tourism Development Co. , Ltd.


Architectural Design - Parks

Client's Name

Wenjun Fan

Country / Region


This project serves as a tourism-supporting facility for Hongta Bay Park, providing a designated space catered to various outdoor activities like camping. With a focus on preserving nature, this design aims to establish an idyllic setting where visitors can intimately connect with the natural environment, unwind from daily pressure, foster relationships, and relish in the pleasure of outdoor living, all while ensuring superior comfort and convenience.

The campsite has been thoughtfully organized into ten distinct zones, offering flexibility in planning and design to accommodate the diverse needs and preferences of visitors engaging in various activities. Meticulous consideration has also been given to the logical traffic flows and connections between these zones to minimize obstructions or congestion, while also maximizing ease of movement and usability. This design approach enables visitors to easily navigate through and immerse themselves in each distinct zone, creating a truly engaging and unforgettable experience.

Inspired by the unique local coastal environment, this campsite has been crafted to seamlessly integrate the man-made structures with the natural surroundings, aiming for a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. By combining various materials, the overall design of this site offers a visually striking effect and a delightful tactile experience, ultimately enriching the space with enhanced beauty and depth. Taking into account the woodland space and harmonizing with the natural environment, the arrangement of tents and functional zones prioritizes a sense of spaciousness and flow. This thoughtful layout results in a charming aesthetic characterized by winding paths that meander through secluded areas, effortlessly evoking a garden-like ambiance.

The color scheme of this campsite has been carefully chosen to complement the natural surroundings, incorporating hues commonly found in the coastal environment. The warm yellow of the sea sand, the vibrant green of the woods and grass, and the serene blue of the sea are all coordinated in the design. These natural hues provide a soothing and calming atmosphere, creating a sense of comfort and relaxation for visitors. This design approach also ensures that the campsite blends harmoniously with the outdoor environment, further reinforcing the connection between humans and nature.


Design Consultant
Yonghzhou Bao
Design Consultant
Jian Liao
Design Consultant
Haiyan Li
Design Consultant
Fengyang Hong
Chief Designer
Wenjun Fan
Graphic Designer
Tao Han
Planning Director
Da Xu
Soft Furnishing Designer
Wei Yang
Architectural Designer
Cheng Ma
Brand Manager
Wang Xie
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