London Design Silver


Nanjing Stone City Site Museum Entrance

Entrant Company



Architectural Design - Conceptual 

Client's Name

Nanjing Planning and Natural Resources Bureau, Nanjing City Wall Protection and Management Center

Country / Region


The design is based on the former site of the Qingliang Hill Reservoir, respecting the site's rich historical context, and taking sustainable design principles into full consideration. Through the excavation and reorganization of the mountainous terrain, it connects the surrounding historical remains with the underground reservoir. This transformation turns the previously damp and dark underground space into a three-dimensional Ruins Park, that not only meets the needs of future exhibitions and usage but also possesses cultural and public attributes. It serves as a humble yet iconic historical landmark in the history of Nanjing city.

Radiating from the axis of the former Chongzheng Academy, the extended roof, hovering outward, invites visitors and echoes the city's urban framework. The project leverages the topography of Qingliang Hill, employing a gradual, step-like excavation of the mountain to create an upward terraced space. It integrates with the Stone Ruins Park circuit and accommodates additional functions like a coffee relaxation area, ticket booth, and temporary semi-outdoor exhibition space. Employing sustainable design principles, the inclusion of a rooftop pool and the encompassing “climate corridors” transforms the damp and dim environment of the former water reservoir into an exhibition and public activity space bathed in natural light, ideal temperature and humidity conditions. These “climate corridors” not only fulfill their functional roles but also artistically delineate the historical appearance of the reservoir implicating the past.

The design integrates deep echoes of history with contemporary sustainable principles, allowing people to experience the weight of time and its transitions within a comfortable modern environment.


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