London Design Silver


Economy Museum

Entrant Company

Ralph Appelbaum Associates, Inc.


Interior Design - Exhibits, Pavilions & Exhibitions 

Client's Name

National Historical Museum

Country / Region


In 2024, Stockholm’s Economy Museum launched a new interactive exhibition aimed at promoting economic literacy, particularly for young visitors, and to provide them with tools to understand the economy.

Visitors begin their journey through an immersive passage illustrating how even the most common actions contribute to the economy. The introduction area, “Economy & Us,” showcases key objects while human silhouettes represent how money functions as a medium of interaction across various cultures and eras.

The main exhibition hall guides visitors through six chronological periods in Swedish economic history, from the Viking Age to modern times. In addition to interactive displays featuring games, audio storytelling, and hands-on activities, the hall is divided into six distinct eras, each distinguished by coloured textile panels. All these elements bring each historical period to life, allowing visitors to engage with themes like globalisation and industrialisation.

“Economy & I” is located on the first floor and is centred on how influential people's roles are in today’s economy. It is aimed at a wide audience, from school groups to families, posing questions about personal economic choices and their impact on society. The interactives prompt visitors to reflect on important topics like the costs of daily living, consumerism, and taxes. 

Visitors’ activities include a “value tree” where visitors prioritise life values, a product “scanner station” revealing production impacts, and a “voting station” for allocating tax funds.

The “Economy & I” space is highly adaptable, with modular seating, touchscreen displays, writable surfaces, and thematic islands for group discussions. The experience concludes with a large projection that displays real-time responses to interactions, emphasising the interconnectedness of individual choices and the economy.

This innovative exhibition integrates education with hands-on engagement, creating an environment where visitors can explore Sweden's economic history and understand their impact on today’s economy.


Principal in Charge / Ralph Appelbaum Associates
Tim Ventimiglia
Project Manager / Ralph Appelbaum Associates
Holger Büttner
Interpretive Planner / Ralph Appelbaum Associates
Vanessa Offen
Physical Designer / Ralph Appelbaum Associates
Grzegorz Makarewicz
Media and Interaction Designer / Ralph Appelbaum Associates
Thomas Meyer
Visual Designer / Ralph Appelbaum Associates
Johannes Bögle
Visual Designer / Ralph Appelbaum Associates
Katharina Buchhause
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