London Design Silver


Food Packaging

Entrant Company

Zedong Zhang / Beijing Hai Feng You Ge Catering Management Co.,Ltd.


Packaging Design - Rebrand

Client's Name

Zedong Zhang

Country / Region


Packaging design plays a crucial role in the blending of the modern food industry with traditional Chinese culture. This is vividly demonstrated in the packaging of the mackerel dumplings of the brand “Hai Feng You Ge”. The packaging is not only a shield and introducer of the product, but also a symbol of the fusion of traditional cultural heritage and modern aesthetics.

First of all, the use of colors in the packaging is heavily influenced by Chinese tradition. The main colors used are dark blue and bright red, two colors that symbolize good fortune and celebration in Chinese culture. Red represents prosperity and vitality, while blue is the color of the sea, foreshadowing that this is a product that originates from the sea. This color scheme not only reflects the solemnity of traditional culture, but also caters to the aesthetic preferences of modern consumers.

The text design is also a highlight of the package. Although a simple and modern font is used, the dynamics and smoothness of Chinese calligraphy are skillfully preserved, making the package modern and without losing the traditional flavor. In particular, the use of large font size for the words “Spanish Mackerel Dumplings” highlights the product's characteristics, while the phrase “juicy, melt in your mouth” is small and attractive, directing consumers' attention to the product's unique taste and high quality.

In terms of graphic design, the front side of the package vividly shows the tender meat and rich filling of the dumplings through high-definition pictures of real dumplings, which greatly stimulates consumers' appetite and purchase desire. The back design is simple and practical, providing detailed nutritional information and a QR code scanning area, making it easy for consumers to obtain more product information and interact with the product.

Overall, the “Hai Feng You Ge” mackerel dumpling packaging is a good example of how to successfully combine traditional Chinese cultural elements with modern design concepts. This design not only enhances the attractiveness of the product and strengthens the brand's market competitiveness.


Lead Designers
Zedong Zhang
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