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Due to the owner's profession, the residential space is designed to function as a photography studio. Multiple sliding doors are placed to declutter, with several corners reserved for quick transformation into a studio, enabling the living environment to convert into a workspace at any moment. Seamlessly combining functionality, aesthetics, and convenience, this space allows for a smooth transition between work and life. The interconnected spaces under soft curves serve various functions, finding a harmonious balance between solitary and shared activities for both individuals and family life.
Entrant Company
The Architectural Design & Research Institute of Zhejiang University Co., Ltd. (UAD)
Product Design - Smart Home
Entrant Company
NCR Atleos
User Experience Design (UX) - Finance / Banking
Entrant Company
Tina Gada
User Experience Design (UX) - Best Visual Design - Aesthetic
Entrant Company
Shenzhen Yanyu Interior Design Co.
Interior Design - Flagship Store