London Design Silver



Entrant Company

NCR Atleos


Conceptual Design - Banking

Client's Name

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United Kingdom

NCR’s EV Branch is the modern, zero emission successor to the Bank branch on wheels inspired by the need to provide inclusive banking services for all.

Continuing branch closures mean that access to cash and banking services is no longer just a problem for remote communities.

The solution is a clean, compact, and cost-efficient way for NCR to DRIVE THE BRANCH to the community, the campus, the event, the place of business.

EV Branch is stored, charged, reconciled, and serviced at a central depot, removing the need for cash-in-transit and servicing visits.

Whilst Digital technology enhances the availability of banking services for many, it also results in financial exclusion for many.

Low-income groups, many elderly and rural populations do not have digital devices and/or network access. Coupled with little digital finance knowledge and skills, the access to cash and face to face financial interactions is a necessity that is not being met for many people around the world. Coupled with the trend for Branch closures and the inability of many elderly and physically impaired users to get to a branch the “digital divide” and financial exclusion is problematic.

Whilst there may be a sense of the decline in the use of cash the reality is that it is still very much an essential part of many people’s life - whether it be for privacy, or because of infrastructure, or cultural preferences. Many countries are introducing legislation to enforce the right of users to have access to cash and financial institutions must meet this need but also the financial burden of the provision and distribution of cash and maintenance of branch locations.

Existing branch-on-wheels trucks go some way to solving these issues for banks and their customers but they are huge, polluting, noisy and expensive.

The EV concept moves the principle of the mobile branch towards a more sustainable and accessible future for banking services. It provides a service that adapts to the context of today, transforms to ensure relevance for tomorrow, and can create a recurring revenue stream for the future.


NCR Atleos, Dundee, Scotland
NCR Atleos User Centered Design Team
NCR Atleos, Dundee, Scotland
NCR Atleos Innovation Team
NCR Atleos, Dundee, Scotland
NCR Hardware Engineering Team
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