London Design Gold


branches - Caring Hanger for limb difference users

Entrant Company

Royal College of Art


Product Design - Furniture

Client's Name

Country / Region

United Kingdom

Our project, "Branches," is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities by providing innovative clothing solutions that make dressing and undressing more convenient. Inspired by tree branches that offer protection and support, "Branches" symbolizes aid and inclusion in human society. Our goal is to create a vision of a harmoniously symbiotic society where everyone can adapt and integrate seamlessly.

At the heart of Branches is the desire to enable people with disabilities to live more independently and comfortably. By emphasizing mutual support and practical solutions, we aim to reflect an ideal state of human society where everyone supports each other. The outcome of our project is a multifunctional, tree-like device designed to assist individuals with disabilities in their daily dressing routines.

This device is divided into five primary functions, each addressing specific challenges faced by our target audience. The first function is a quick shoelace tying device, allowing users to tie their shoelaces quickly and efficiently with minimal effort. The second function is a convenient cuff buttoning device that simplifies the process of buttoning cuffs for those with limited dexterity. The third function is a one-hand tie tying device, facilitating the tying of neckties using only one hand. The fourth function is a dressing and undressing device, providing support for managing clothing independently. Additionally, the device includes two multifunctional hangers and a mirror, ensuring comprehensive support for various clothing-related tasks.

Branches is designed for individuals with disabilities, particularly those with limited mobility or the use of only one arm. We also aim to support caregivers and healthcare providers who assist individuals in dressing, making their tasks more manageable. By providing practical and thoughtfully designed assistive devices, Branches hopes to promote greater independence and confidence among individuals with disabilities, fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society.


Product Designer
Hou Jialu
Fashion Designer
Pan Yiming
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