1. Please give us a brief bio of yourself and your design background.

Min : I am Min Jea Seo, a User Experience Designer with a diverse portfolio spanning industries like finance, membership(identity and privacy), and medical technology. I have held design roles at renowned companies such as Yahoo and Amazon.

Darae : I'm Darae Kim, a UX designer at Amazon based in Silicon Valley. Originally from South Korea, I moved to the US in 2017 to dive deeper into interaction design, emphasizing human-centered principles.

2. What made you become/why did you choose to become a designer/artist?

Min : I've always had a passion for understanding user behaviors and crafting solutions that enhance their experiences. The creative process of design allows me to merge my analytical skills with creativity to make products more intuitive and user-friendly.

Darae : From a young age, I've been captivated by design and art. My father was a keen enthusiast of Korean traditional painting known as "Sa-gun-ja" and often crafted his own pottery, sharing these passions alongside me. These cherished memories ignited my interest in art and design. So, pursuing a career as a designer felt not only like fulfilling a dream but also a natural progression for me.

3. Tell us more about your agency/company, job profile, and what you do.

Min : I’m currently working as senior product designer at Yahoo specifically focusing on UX of privacy and internal tools. My current goal as a designer is exploring different domains and industries just to learn more and expose myself to many different things.

Darae : Currently, I am part of the Design and Service Group at Amazon, with a primary focus on enhancing the user experience for the Echo device family integrated with Alexa. Over the past several years, I've been deeply involved in crafting the end-to-end user experiences, both for newly launched devices and for innovative Alexa features.

4. What does “design” mean to you?

Min : To me, design is the bridge between user needs and innovative solutions. It's about understanding challenges and crafting intuitive, functional, and aesthetically pleasing experiences that resonate with the target audience.

Darae : Design, to me, is a powerful form of communication that transcends mere aesthetics. It embodies the creator's intent while speaking directly to the user's emotions and perceptions. Maybe something like road signs: their clarity and design can mean the difference between clear direction and confusion. In today's digital age, design decisions dictate what captures attention amid a sea of information. In essence, through design, we bridge the gap between intention and understanding, making it an essential tool in our interconnected world.

5. What’s your favorite kind of design and why?

We have a special affinity for user experience design, given its pivotal role in shaping user interactions and determining overall satisfaction with products. However, our passion extends to diverse design realms, including interior, fashion,furniture and so on. It's fascinating to observe the contrasting approaches between digital and physical product design.

6. To you, what makes a “good” design?

We could define a “good design” is user-centric, intuitive, and meets the business goals while enhancing the user's experience. It should be adaptable, future-proof, and offer a seamless experience across platforms.

7. How did you come up with the idea for your award-winning design?

We often immerse ourselves in various media sources for inspiration and make it a point to discuss our findings with everyone we encounter, valuing their perspectives. Such interactions frequently spark new ideas for us. The concept for this award was born in a similar manner, stemming from a conversation between Darae and me about menstruation and picket lines at NY found from articles.

8. What was your main source of inspiration for this design?

We cherish our personal experiences and equally appreciate insights from articles, books, and conversations with others. We believe inspiration could be anything around us.

9. Do you think your country and its cultural heritage has an impact on your design process?

As we mentioned, we draw inspiration from many different sources, and cultural heritage is something we deeply respect. Korea stands out globally in design, particularly due to its unique aesthetics and philosophy. Even though we're based in the US, we actively keep an eye on Korean design trends to enhance our understanding and appreciation.

10. Congratulations! As the winner of the London Design Awards, what does it mean to you and your company and team to receive this award distinction?

We're so happy to be seen by the design community. We feel it shows that our hard work in design is being noticed. Plus we really appreciate that people around the world in design know about our work. Very exciting!

11. Can you explain a bit about the winning work you entered into the London Design Awards, and why you chose to enter this project?

'dot.' presents a refreshing perspective on menstruation for women. Our ambition is to provide a dependable product that enables women to utilize their menstrual blood as a health-check tool. Imagine a compact health assessment that examines aspects such as womb condition and blood sugar levels without incurring the expenses of a clinic visit. We believe that periods can offer advantages to women, not just discomfort. Despite the fact that many women endure over 3,000 days of discomfort and expenses on menstrual products, it's often a topic left unspoken in public. If we can highlight the potential benefits, we might shift the narrative from mere discomfort to positive empowerment.

12. What were the main challenges you faced during the design process, and how did you overcome them?

Min : Being male, I initially had limited understanding of menstruation and the challenges it can pose for women. As a UX Designer, I believe it's vital to step into the user's shoes. Grasping the frustrations of the opposite gender presented a challenge that contributed to my growth. I'm proud of tackling this challenge, and I introduced this project to encourage others to reflect on the subject too.

Darae : Expanding on that, this project necessitated numerous interviews from individuals worldwide to gather insights on menstruation. Despite these interviews being virtual and private, many participants seemed uneasy discussing their experiences, possibly finding it embarrassing. Therefore, we invested significant effort in establishing trust and ensuring they felt at ease sharing their stories.

13. How do you think winning this award will impact your future as a designer?

Once more, we believe this acknowledgment motivates us to continue our endeavors. We'll persist in our search for innovations and strive to connect with customers through our design.

14. What are your top three (3) favorite things about the design industry?

Dynamic evolution, Human Central Focused and Cultural Influence.

15. What sets your design apart from others in the same category?

Our designs are deeply influenced by Korean heritage, blending unique cultural aesthetics with modern trends. At the heart of our work is a strong commitment to understanding the user and this user-centricity is paired with a dedication to innovative thinking, fueled by rich discussions both inside and outside the design realm. Collaboration and continuous learning are key drivers, ensuring our designs remain both relevant and groundbreaking.

16. Where do you see the evolution of design industry going over the next 5-10 years?

The design industry is poised for rapid evolution, largely driven by advancements in technology and shifts in user behavior. Augmented and virtual reality will likely reshape interfaces, making immersive and spatial design essential. Sustainability will become paramount, with designs emphasizing eco-friendliness and longevity. Additionally, as AI and machine learning become more integrated, designers will need to balance automation with human-centric principles. Finally, with the world becoming more interconnected, there'll be a greater emphasis on inclusive design, catering to a global and diverse user base.

17. What advice do you have for aspiring designers who want to create award-winning designs?

We're confident that all designers are excelling in their respective roles. Persistence and unwavering commitment, we believe, are key to achieving a successful project.

18. What resources would you recommend to someone who wants to improve their skills in the design industry?

Actively seeking inspiration is beneficial. Digging into design books and diverse articles can be fascinating, we always do that too. Moreover, staying attuned to the latest trends can also serve as a significant source of inspiration.

19. Tell us something you have never told anyone else.

haha, well, our cat is too fat? (We always say to other folks, she's a little bit chubby, not fat..but well yes we need to admit it.)

20. Who has inspired you in your life and why?

Many people around us, including family, coworkers, mentors, and mentees, influence us. We're often shaped by those in my immediate surroundings.

21. What is your key to success? Any parting words of wisdom?

While we don't consider ourselves successful just yet, but hoping we're certainly on that path. A quote that resonates with us is, “So good they can't ignore you” Thus, we remain committed to honing our skills and becoming experts in our field.

Winning Entry

London Design Awards Winner - dot. by Min Jea Seo & Darae Kim

Entrant Company

Min Jea Seo & Darae Kim


User Experience Design (UX) - Experimental / Innovative