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dot. is a smart menstrual cup service to manage women’s health. The service includes a mobile app, smart menstrual cup, and a carrying case which doubles as a sanitizer, for women who have irregular menstruation. Through this service, women can predict their upcoming period and are notified of the blood volume to prevent leaks during menstruation. Furthermore, the dot. application collects data from the blood in the smart menstrual cup and transmits it to the user’s OB/GYN and the women health facility to learn more about the women’s health in general.
We started this project when we noticed women, half of the world's population experience period as an unpleasant experience for over 3,000 days. They have to cope with the various kinds of cramps that appear in the body and spend money on menstrual products. However, they have to hide this unpleasant experience and cannot speak confidently in public.
'dot.' provides a different perspective of menstruation for the women. Our goal is to create a reliable product and system for women to check their health status with menstrual blood during their period as an advantage. Imagine a small medical checkup product to check the womb status, hemoglobin, and glucose level to prevent disease without visiting the clinic or hospital with expensive costs.
The goal of 'dot. Menstrual cup', the physical product is to measure and analyze the menstrual blood with embedded sensors which sends the data to the mobile application. Through this information, the system will give notifications about an upcoming period and volume of menstrual blood. Notifications will prevent leakage which is the most inconvenient point of women during their period. The information from their menstrual blood is not only used for their notification but also sent anonymously to a women's health lab or hospital to study about menstruation, gather big data, understand patterns and changes through different life stages. 'dot.' can be an excellent opportunity for women to increase their knowledge and learn more about themselves during their period to obtain quality information, insight and understanding of their cycle.
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