London Design Gold


AI Ad Manager

Entrant Company

Yasong Wang, Hong Qiu, Wei Wang


User Experience Design (UX) - Best User Interface / Experience

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

The advertiser's ad-filling process is intricate, time-consuming, and burdened with repetitive tasks, causing substantial workloads. This complex procedure, coupled with inaccurate predictions, imprecise placements, and high communication costs with operations staff, leads to significant financial losses for organizations. Aiming at the advertisers’ pain points, our team delved into advertisers' work scenarios and strategy development. Our innovative solution addresses these challenges through a unique combination of form design, AI-powered conversations, and visual interfaces across various platforms, including web and mobile apps.

AI-powered smart bidding suggestions optimizes budgets, ensuring ads never over- or under-cost. Precision Audience Targeting targets the most relevant users, the AI chatbot crafts tailored copy, boosting conversion rates. Real-time prediction and instant previews offer immediate feedback, reducing errors. Advertisers can prioritize tasks for quicker responses and deadline meetings. Dashboard provides a comprehensive overview for easy monitoring. Customize reports for personalized insights and flexibility, tailoring data to advertisers' KPIs to maximize ROI with precise, customized insights.

The objective of AI Ad Management is to make the ad management platform a smarter, more efficient and higher return tool. It expects to improve 53% efficiency boost in campaign setup and reduce 85% communication cost.


UX/UI Designer
Yasong Wang
UX/UI Designer
Hong Qiu
UX/UI Designer
Wei Wang
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