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Lava is a revolutionary matte micro-textured slab inspired by the micro-texture and natural texture of rare marble. The product is created using the revolutionary "fired rock" process, which involves calcining volcanic magma at a high density. The surface creates a 5-8º shimmer, and low light intensity enhances definition. The texture clarity is 15% greater than that of standard matte items, making the ten models rich and different. The color design can be realized in high definition, breaking the limitations of standard matte products, which are primarily plain hues. Suitable for wall and floor paving in residential and commercial environments.
Lava's surface combines three revolutionary approaches to improve the color and texture combination, make it more stereoscopic and restore real stone texture. It is low-key, high-quality, and detailed, giving the area a fresh luxurious appearance. The product also has great physical qualities, including increased hardness and wear resistance. The surface contains unique anti-slip particles and a supramolecular protective layer that has outstanding anti-fouling, easy-to-clean and anti-slip qualities.
Entrant Company
Yu Shi, Xin Zhong, Chuxiong Feng, Hui Lin
Landscape Design - Parks & Open Space Landscape
Entrant Company
Lingou Li
Communication Design - Printed Publications