London Design Silver


Passing on the Memory

Entrant Company

Banner-Castle Interior Co.,Ltd.


Interior Design - Residential 

Client's Name

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This project is situated in an old building on an old street with a hundred years of cultural heritage. As a result, the designer chose to focus on "preserving the valuable cultural assets of private old buildings, exchanging time for new ideas, restoring the value of old structures, and increasing national cultural preservation awareness and urban and rural characteristics of texture development, to develop a national cultural subjectivity." The designer implemented the "old building preservation regeneration project" as a means of executing this spatial planning.

The project aimed to restore the homeowner's childhood memories by demolishing and laying stones with the expertise of a professional designer. The designer intentionally preserved the original red brick walls and two-story building structure in the main space, which were characteristic of the Japanese rule period, to maintain the historical and cultural significance. In addition, the rectangular grille in the center of the floor between the first and second floors was retained to allow natural light to flow freely and reduce the use of lamps, promoting energy-saving and carbon-reducing effects. The designer prioritized the owner's preference for minimal decoration, allowing the space to retain its historical flavor while reducing the use of resources.

The old street’s former glory may no longer be visible, but both the owner and the designer are committed to preserving and continuing the area's historical heritage through restoration and redevelopment. The owner's goal is to transform the space into an exhibition area or cultural and creative center, even if it doesn't generate additional income. Preserving the memory of history is the owner's top priority and greatest satisfaction. The project aims to increase awareness of the importance of appreciating and valuing things that were once taken for granted.


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