London Design Silver


Pearl Park Renovation

Entrant Company

Senmiao Guo, Yuntian Shi


Landscape Design - Parks & Open Space Landscape

Client's Name

Country / Region


Pearl Park, the first public park in Bengbu City, holds the cherished childhood memories of many residents. However, with urban development and the proliferation of new parks, Pearl Park's outdated facilities have diminished its appeal. This project aims to preserve the historical significance of Pearl Park while infusing it with new energy, enriching its diverse functions, and catering to the needs of various demographics.

Over its 20-year operation, Pearl Park has suffered from landscape and facility deterioration. Its current attractions fail to compete with newer city parks, leading to a decline in visitors. Presently, the park's primary patrons are elderly residents from nearby areas, who lack sufficient space for their activities, often resorting to gathering in unsuitable locations like street corners or near restrooms.

The revitalized Pearl Park will become a vibrant hub for recreation. Enhanced natural scenery and upgraded facilities will offer ample space for the elderly to exercise and socialize. Office workers will find the park a perfect retreat to unwind after a long day, while families will no longer need to travel to distant parks for weekend outings. The revamped park will provide dedicated areas for children’s play and parent-child activities, fostering a family-friendly environment.

To further enhance the park's functionality, a pedestrian bridge will be constructed, facilitating easy access for surrounding residents and school students, eliminating the need to cross busy roads.

An integral part of the renovation is the creation of constructed wetlands to address the park's poor waterscape and limited plant diversity. These wetlands will serve as a comprehensive stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP), reducing peak flow and providing conditions for sediment deposition. The high biodiversity of plants, animals, and microorganisms in the wetlands will enhance evapotranspiration, filtration, and both biological and chemical stormwater treatment.

The constructed wetlands will maintain a shallow permanent water level, making them suitable for the park's environment and ensuring a balanced ecological system. This project aims to transform Pearl Park into a rejuvenated, multifunctional space that honors its historical legacy while meeting the contemporary needs of Bengbu City’s residents.


Senmiao Guo
Yuntian Shi
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