London Design Gold


OiT - One in Thousands

Entrant Company

Yunsheng Zhou


User Experience Design (UX) - Best Use of AI & Machine Learning

Client's Name

Country / Region

United States

OiT is an iPad-based data visualization dashboard designed to assist users in making informed decisions by facilitating both objective and subjective sorting of thousands of AI-generated solutions. It harnesses the capabilities of Intelligence systems/GenAI to generate a multitude of potential solutions and streamlines the process of distilling them into the most relevant and effective options.

OiT addresses a significant challenge in the realm of AI-generated content. While AI has made remarkable strides and gained popularity, it often inundates users with an overwhelming number of options. Taking industry generative design and AI-generated images as an example, designers or engineers input goals into the generative AI software. The AI then swiftly explores numerous permutations, generating a vast array of design alternatives. It continuously learns and improves from each iteration, resulting in thousands of potential solutions. However, the crux of the issue lies in the user's ability to navigate and select from this vast pool of options. This is where OiT comes into play.

OiT introduces a groundbreaking approach to filtering and sorting large datasets by employing a 3D map and visual models of cells and seeds. With the 3D representation of cells, users gain a unique perspective on how various AI-generated solutions iterate and interact with one another. This visual insight streamlines the process of filtering and selecting their preferred options. Furthermore, "RefineOiT" incorporates a feedback loop: as users make their selections, the AI system learns from their preferences. This valuable input fuels additional rounds of iteration, ultimately honing the available options to better align with the user's evolving needs and preferences. Nerate more rounds of iteration to achieve the final options.

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